How wonderful it was to play again! From our home town The Hague we played one long set for a livestream hosted by Societeit De Witte. The stream will be available for two weeks after which it will disappear to…

uplifting, vibrrrant & energetic
How wonderful it was to play again! From our home town The Hague we played one long set for a livestream hosted by Societeit De Witte. The stream will be available for two weeks after which it will disappear to…
Jazzflits and Mpodia wrote very nice reviews on our latest album NOLA.
We love reviews, we love interviews and we love Flophouse! And maybe Flophouse likes us back 🙂 read their articles and find out!
Sjeng Stokkink wrote a very nice two page article on our latest album in the latest dutch jazz glossy Jazzism. You can buy the magazine in most book stores and of course online.
December sale on NOLA cardset