A nice article by Bert Jansma in The Hague news paper Den Haag Centraal.

uplifting, vibrrrant & energetic
A nice article by Bert Jansma in The Hague news paper Den Haag Centraal.
The process of making a bookalbum was kind of a trip in itself. The artistic choices, the journey to New Orleans, the struggles that we found on our way and the enthusiasm that always wins. Our podcast (in dutch) sheds…
Let’s talk innovation! We’re all trying to make live video look better and more interactive. How about checking us with your VR glasses? Or on your phone/tablet/computer with the possibility to look around 360º? Next Sunday, October 25th we play…
Hurray! We launched the first single of our upcoming album NOLA. The song is called It Ain’t My Fault. Our personal souvenir from our trip New Orleans so to say. We’re on iTunes, Bandcamp and a bunch of other platforms.…
Update: Suzan Veneman has a cold and therefore will not be there tomorrow. We truly regret this, but fortunately Jan van Duikeren (Candy Dulfer, Jazzorchestra of the Concertgebouw, Di-Rect) is willing to take her place. We hope you are okay…